Editors: Michele Moro, Dimitris Alimisis
ISBN 978-88-95872-05-6
- Dimitris Alimisis, Emanuele Menegatti, and Michele Moro.
Introduction to the 3rd Workshop
TR-TwR-2012 Full Papers
- Dave Catlin.
Maximising the Effectiveness of Educational Robotics through the Use of Assessment for Learning Methodologies - Dave Catlin and Sylvester Robertson.
Using Educational Robots to Enhance the Performance of Minority Students. - Martina Kabátová, Ľudmila Jašková, Peter Lecký and Vladimíra Laššáková.
Robotic Activities for Visually Impaired Secondary School Children - Karolina Mayerova.
Pilot activities: LEGO WeDo at primary school - Bulent Cavas and Teoman Kesercioglu.
The Effects of Robotics Club on the Students’ Performance on Science Process & Scientific Creativity Skills and Perceptions on Robots, Human and Society - Daniel Tocháček and Jakub Lapeš.
Project of integration educational robotics into the training programme of future ICT teachers - Grzegorz Cielniak, Nicola Bellotto and Tom Duckett.
Integrating Vision and Robotics into the Computer Science Curriculum - Ilaria Gaudiello, Elisabetta Zibetti and Carol-Ann Pinaud.
Control heuristics for educational robots: a pilot study - Duill Micheál.
Technicity, T-concepts, Turing Teaching and Elementary Robotics - Lorella Burlin and Tito Sartori.
Ingenium: an exploratory research on learning processes specific to robotic labs - Filippo Bonaccorso, Antonio D'Arrigo, Giovanni Muscato and Alessandro Napoli.
Minirobot - An original international robotic competition for high school students of Etna Valley: considerations after seven editions - Dominik Kirchner and Kurt Geihs.
Merging Backgrounds – An Interdisciplinary Course Concept for a Robotic Laboratory - Michele Scandola and Paolo Fiorini.
Digital Storytelling Teaching Robotic Basics in a Surgical Robotic Curriculum - Rosella Gennari, Gabriella Dodero and Andrea Janes.
Junior University Workshops for Children - Edoardo Datteri, Luisa Zecca, Federico Laudisa and Marco Castiglioni.
Explaining robotic behaviors: a case study on science education - Tullia Urschitz and Tasha Carl.
Mission on Mars - Interactive robotics session, on videoconference, through the use of Interactive White Board (IWB) - Marco Ruzzenente, Moreno Koo, Katherine Nielsen, Lorenzo Grespan and Paolo Fiorini.
A Review of Robotics Kits for Tertiary Education - Kostas Dimitriou.
A more structured way to teach robotics with robotics - Dimitris Alimisis.
Integrating Robotics in Science and Technology Teacher Training Curriculum - Fransiska Basoeki, Fabio Dalla Libera, Emanuele Menegatti and Michele Moro.
Robot kits from Japan: new frontiers in education
TR-TwR-2012 Poster Papers
- Elisa Buselli, Francesca Cecchi, Paolo Dario and Luca Sebastiani.
Teaching Robotics through the Inquiry Based Science Education approach - Fausto Ferreira, Ana Dominguez and Emanuele Micheli.
Twitter, Robotics and Kindergarten - Stavros Demetriadis, Soumela Atmatzidou and Theodosios Sapounides.
The AUTh Framework for Research in Educational Robotics: Collaboration Scripts, Metacognitive Skills, Tangible Interfaces and the CPPC+ Model - Martin Kandlhofer, Gerald Steinbauer and Petra Sundström.
Educational Robotics - Evaluating long-term effects - Raphaela Schneider, Christoph Leibinger, Alexandra Jentzsch, Iolanda Leite, Ana Paiva, Carsten Zoll and Sibylle Enz. Does empathic Robot Behavior enhance positive Emotions in Child-Robot Interaction?