Concurrent Events
The workshop is held in conjunction with other two related events (in the same place):
The Robocup Junior Italian national tournament (19-21/4/2012)
The Robocup junior italy network ( organises its IV edition of the national level competition. During three days several school teams, divided into the under-14 and under-19 groups, will compete following the traditional Soccer, Dance and Rescue challenges (Rescue, Dance and Theatre for Under-14).
The Discovery on Film exhibition of the Town Museum of Rovereto (
This is an annual exhibition including demonstrations of educational robotics experiences shown by several schools/Universities from Italy and other countries (see for a description of the last year event) People attending the workshop will be able to ask also the participation to these demonstrations (contact the chairmen within the same deadline of the first paper submission).
April 19th, Roboscuola Workshop (for Italian teachers)
Discovery on Film presentation
April 21, 2012 is dedicated to laboratories and to the second and final phases of the robocup junior tournament.